Many members are looking for alternative solutions to help them save money and protect the environment. Minnesota requires 25% of utility electric energy sales to be generated from renewable energy sources by 2025.
MVEC will assist you in connecting your electric generation equipment with our system through the Nova Power Portal. Your safety and the safety of our employees are of the utmost importance – that’s why all interconnection applications are contingent on qualified equipment and require certification from an electrical inspector licensed by the State of Minnesota. Advanced planning is required, and MVEC recommends you contact us at the beginning of your interconnection process.
Use the Nova Power Portal to browse interconnection information, initiate the process, track the status of your project, and learn more about installing your own renewable energy system.
Do your homework
Talk to others who have a similar system. Be sure to conduct complete due diligence on the economic benefits, legal issues, zoning regulations, maintenance, and operating costs. Get references on vendors before making a purchase. The State Board of Electricity requires a qualified licensed electrician to install renewable energy sources, and MVEC requires members to apply to connect to its electric lines. The installation must meet the State of Minnesota Distributed Generation Interconnection Standards.
Beware of door-to-door companies who say they have a relationship with MVEC. We do not endorse or have other companies sell solar or wind products on our behalf because there is no one-size-fits-all solution for our members’ needs. If you have questions or concerns, contact MVEC.
Wind power is created with 3-blade turbines, which spin electric generators. Typically, wind turbines are mounted on tall, 120 to 250-foot towers to access the best wind. Wind power installations can be expensive and tend to be best suited in high-wind regions where the best possible production can be attained. For example, about 40% efficiency is possible in the Dakotas, but it tends to be under 20% within MVEC’s service area.
Learn more about wind
Solar power takes energy from the sun’s radiation and converts it into heat or electricity. There are a variety of solar options, including photovoltaic systems, which absorb energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. This clean and environmentally safe, renewable energy source is readily available because there is no need to drill, mine, or transport it. There are various systems available from flat roof to ground mount systems.
Learn more about solar
Notice of Cogeneration
The Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative Board of Directors adopted the Cooperative Minnesota Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection process, which was updated by the State of Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Minnesota Statute 216B.1611 states cooperatives shall adopt an interconnection process that addresses the issues addressed in the Commission’s order. MVEC’s updated Cogeneration Policy reflects the adoption of the Cooperative Minnesota Distribution Energy Resources Interconnection Process (C-MIP). All new distributed energy resources will follow the C-MIP interconnection process as of June 1, 2019.
In compliance with MVEC-adopted rules relating to cogeneration and small power production, MVEC is obligated to interconnect with and purchase electricity from co-generators and small power producers who satisfy the conditions as a qualifying facility. MVEC is obligated to provide information free of charge to all interested members upon request regarding rates and interconnection requirements. All interconnections require an application and approval to become a qualifying facility. Any dispute over interconnections, sales, and purchases is subject to resolution by MVEC. Members with questions can contact, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative, 125 Minnesota Valley Electric Drive, Jordan, MN 55352, call (952)492-2313 or (800) 282-6832