A little rain wasn’t enough to dampen MVEC’s first Twins Play Ball Clinic, hosted in early August at the Jordan CERC gym. It was moved inside where more than 100 kids attended to learn from Twins staff about hitting, throwing and fielding.
The event, which was hosted by MVEC in partnership with energy provider Great River Energy and the Minnesota Twins, was meant to take place behind Jordan High School, but some quick work and organization with Jordan Community Ed and Recreation, allowed the clinic to continue indoors despite a rainy afternoon.
The clinic is part of the Minnesota Twins Community Fund, which established Play Ball! MN nearly 20 years ago.
Children from all over MVEC’s service area attended, including some from as far away as Watertown, Lonsdale and Edina. MVEC staff, including CEO Marvin Denzer, were excited to organize and host this great program and would like to thank the Minnesota Twins, sponsor and wholesale energy provider Great River Energy and Jordan Community Education and Recreation for helping us put on a great day of baseball.